The Lowdown | ShutterFest 2025

Welcome to the ShutterFest Lowdown page. Here, you will find most of the information you need for the event. New to ShutterFest? Well, expect to learn more than you have ever learned before. ShutterFest is like no other conference out there. Not because we say so, but because your peers have said so. At this one-of-a-kind event, you will have access to educators like never before. They are here because they care about our industry and want to share EVERYTHING they know. No rockstar mentality allowed. You will network with your fellow photographers, make friends for life, and enjoy access to some of the best education available.

If you’re looking for structure, you are going to HATE ShutterFest. This is an event built on the idea that a little bit of chaos can lead to an endless amount of creativity and inspiration.

This is your career. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy learning, networking, shooting, laughing, and making new life-long friendships. You have the power to make the event what you want it to be. Want to focus on business? Spend your time in classes. Want to focus on building your portfolio? Great! Spend your time working with models, shooting all day and night.

Take everything you know about conferences and throw it out the window! ShutterFest is all about community. We are one big family. Everyone here loves photography and wants what’s best for the industry. It’s not about a rockstar mentality, it’s about growing as an artist and being around like-minded people who share the same love and passion you do.

Overwhelmed? YOU SHOULD BE. Take a deep breath and know that every year there are a bunch of new people who attend— they don’t know anyone, they are scared, overwhelmed, and every other emotion. It’s like your first day of high school all over again. It’s completely normal. And just like school, after your first class or two, and once your nerves have settled, you will have made new friends for life. Come, enjoy, and soak up all the energy and inspiration.

Be sure to tag us in your posts – the world is watching! #ShutterFest

Schedule Overview

Monday, April 21st:
2:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Registration
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Newbie Meet-Up and Walkthrough
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Mandatory Model Orientation and Registration (NO after hours shoots)
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Block Party – Meet the Vendors, Credit Card bar, scavenger hunt for attendees

Tuesday, April 22nd:
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Coffee Stations, Bloody Mary/Mimosa Bar Open
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Welcome/Kickoff in the Canon Theatre
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM // 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Trade Show/Vendor Classes/Creator Lab/RAH Express
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM // 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Vendor Happy Hour (credit card bar available)
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM // 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
7:00 PM  – RAH Closes
9:00 PM – Midnight: ShutterFest Rave in the Grand Hall

Wednesday, April 23rd:
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Coffee Stations, Bloody Mary/Mimosa Bar Open
10:00 AM – Trade Show Floor & RAH Opens
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM // 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Trade Show/Vendor Classes/Creator Lab/RAH Express
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM // 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Vendor Happy Hour (credit card bar available)
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM // 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
7:00 PM  – RAH Closes
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Classes (breakout sessions)
8:00 PM – Midnight: Bada-Bing UNO Night

Thursday, April 24th:
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Coffee Stations, Bloody Mary/Mimosa Bar Open
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Classes (breakout sessions)
10:00 AM – Trade Show Floor & RAH Opens
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM // 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Trade Show/Vendor Classes/Creator Lab/RAH Express
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM // 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Vendor Happy Hour (credit card bar available)
5:00 PM: Rent-A-Human Closes
5:00 PM: Trade Show Teardown
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Classes (breakout sessions)
7:00 PM – Midnight: Closing Party in the Grand Hall

Friday, April 25th (SF+):
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Joel Grimes & Abbie Gowin
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM: Donatella Nicolini & Alissa Cincotta
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM: LUNCH
2:15 PM – 3:45 PM: Jonny Edward & Felicia Reed
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Elena Blair & Sal Cincotta

Host Hotels: Union Station Hotel (Main Hotel): SOLD OUT | Hilton Ball Park (Host Hotel): CLICK HERE

 ***In order to get the ShutterFest Room Rate and get a goodie bag, you must book through the link below and reserve a room for a minimum 4 night stay during ShutterFest. (i.e. April 21 – April 25)***

Free shuttles will run from Hilton Ballpark to Union Station every 30 minutes at the following times:
1:00 PM — 9:00 PM on Monday, April 21st, 2025
7:00 AM – 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM – Midnight on Tuesday-Thursday, April 22nd-24th, 2025
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM and 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM on Friday, April 25th, 2025
Pickup from Hilton Ballpark will be at the Walnut Street entrance between the East & West tower. Pickup at Union Station to return to Hilton Ballpark will be outside of the Terminal Atrium.

Site Map

Union Station Goes Cashless

As of 2024, Union Station is cashless. This includes the bar, Station Grille Restaurant, coffee shop, bloody mary & mimosa bars, coffee stations, “cash” bars, and sleeping rooms. Tips can still be given in cash. Make sure to plan accordingly!

Newbie Meetup & Walking Tour

New to ShutterFest and overwhelmed? Join the Newbie group for tips, tricks, and advice to make your first event a great one. Get the lay of the land and figure out where all your class locations are on Monday evening with a walking tour of Union Station from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Hosted by Bethany Ellen, Joyce Geiser, Jocey Wright, and Ted Anderson.

Block Party

Kick off ShutterFest at our Block Party, on Monday, April 21st from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Enjoy refreshments at the credit card bar, meet our vendors, mingle with attendees, and participate in a fun scavenger hunt for a chance to win prizes! 

Do I need to have my badge to attend the block party? Can I attend with my friend/spouse/partner if I am not attending ShutterFest? No, you do not need a badge to attend. You’re welcome to attend!

Creator Lab

Rent it. Shoot it. Buy it. Step into the Creator Lab, where hands-on experience meets creative growth! This is your chance to step into fully stylized sets, work with top-tier gear, and create stunning images in an immersive, hands-on learning environment. Whether you’re testing out new cameras, lenses, lighting, or backdrops, or just refining your skills, this is where you level up. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

Try, rent and buy gear from Canon, Westcott, Nanlite, TogDrop and Pixel Connection. Shoot on backdrops and stylized sets from Intuition Backgrounds. Cull and edit with AfterShoot. Check out a class or demo, or bring your own model from Rent-A-Human. Time to get in the lab and start shooting!

Location: Midway East, across from Midway Suites 7/8.

Do I need to pre-register to use the Creator Lab? No! This will be first come first serve. Volunteers will be available to assist you.

Do I need to pre-register to rent gear? No! Join the line at Pixel Connection or Canon, and they will help you out.

NANLITE Boudoir Bays

We’ve teamed up with Nanlite to put together four KILLER stylized boudoir sets for you to use during event hours! Nanlite lighting will be available for use along with props, beds, and more. This space can be used for Rent-A-Human as well! 

How do the Boudoir Bays work? The Boudoir Bays will be open from 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM. If a class is going on in the Boudoir Sets, we will still have two bays open for use.

There are 3 different types of availability for the Bays:

  • Bring Your Own Model: 6 – 6:30PM, 6:30 – 7PM // MUST register in the app

Have your own model, group, concept and wardrobe? This is your time to get creative! 

Up to 4 groups will be able to register per timeslot. ONLY the group leader needs to register for the group in the app and then add names of group members to the discussion tab for that time slot. If more than one person in the same group registers, we will remove one of you. 

Arrive 10 mins early to meet your group leader and be ready to enter. Group leader will need to show registration at the doors on the app for the group to enter. If you are not with your group leader when they enter, you will not be granted access to the bays. 

You have 30 mins to shoot with your group. There is space for 4 groups (1 per bay) 

*As you plan your shoots remember there is no entry unless you are signed up for a timeslot and no guarantee of a spot before sign ups occur – make sure you have a backup location in case you don’t get a spot! 

  • Styled Sets: 10AM – 2PM // MUST register in the app

Time Slots will be available every half hour. Here’s how that time breaks down: 

 5 mins – doors open for check-in and setup. 

 20 mins of shooting time – you can choose to stay in one bay or rotate through more than one. Join the line, shoot your shot, and move for the next person. No more than 5 mins per person directing and leading the shoot. When the buzzer goes off, your time is done. 

 5 mins – Gather your belongings and exit the bays.

Each time slot will allow for up to 20 people to register and move between 4 sets. If a class is scheduled in the bays during a time slot, up to 10 people will be able to register and move between 2 bays not in use by the class.

  • Free For All: 2PM – 5PM // NO pre-registration needed

This is the ONLY time of day you do NOT need to register in the app. First come first serve: wander in and out of the space, see what’s happening and shoot. Come check out some fantastic styled sets and wardrobe curated by Alissa Cincotta! 


*be patient, entry may be delayed if we are approaching room capacity until space allows 

Volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and assist you. 

Find a setup you like, Join the line, shoot your shot, and move for the next person. No more than 5 mins per person directing and leading the shoot. 

Can we use the Boudoir Sets after hours? Unfortunately we are unable to staff the Sets after 7:00 PM and will have to lock them up for security. However, they will be open at 9:00 AM, one hour before classes start, so you are welcome to use them at that time.

The Canon Experience

Welcome to The Canon Experience—get your hands dirty and your minds fueled in this creative space. Come to learn, create, and be inspired. This is an immersive experience designed to challenge you, fire you up, and leave you walking away with real, actionable skills.

Where is the Canon Experience? The Canon Experience is inside of the Creator Lab.

Can we shoot in the Canon Experience? Yes! Shoot in fully stylized sets.

Will CPS be there? Yes! Got a dirty sensor? Need a gear checkup? Bring your Canon gear in for a cleaning and inspection by Canon’s expert technicians.

What else can we do in the Canon Experience? Print your images! Each attendee can print one image for free at ShutterFest on Canon’s PRO printers. You can also take Live Demos and Classes from Explorers of Light and Canon Pros throughout the event. Look for these classes in the ShutterFest App.

The App + Class Signups



On March 21st around 12:00 PM (the invitations go out in segments over about an hour), we will send an email invitation to the app to THE EMAIL YOU ENTERED IN THE “APP INVITATION EMAIL” FIELD WHEN YOU BOUGHT YOUR TICKET. This invitation email will be sent from Add this to your address book NOW, to ensure you receive the email. Check your junk folder. This invitation could get flagged as spam. If you don’t get the invitation by the end of the day on March 21st, reach out to us ( so we can resend it.

Does the app work on a tablet/iPad? Yes. If you can access the app store, you should be able to download and use the app.

Does the app work on a laptop or desktop? Yes! You can access the app via a web browser at  

Do I have to register for classes? Yes. Space is limited. The system will only allow you to register for one class per time slot. So, be sure to register for your MUST-HAVE classes first.

How do I sign up for classes? In the app, you will be able to add the classes you want to your schedule. Classes are on a first come first serve basis. Hands-on classes are limited to 50 attendees. Max capacity for lecture and live demonstration classes are based on the capacity of each room or space. Be sure to save your schedule on the app and choose wisely! We recommend taking a screenshot or writing down your schedule in case there are issues with WiFi in the hotel.

How can I see what classes I am currently registered for? Log into the app to track the classes you are registered for by clicking “My Schedule” in the navigation bar. Select the date to see your schedule for that day.

What if I change my mind and want to register for a new class? No problem. When viewing your schedule within the mobile app, click the check mark next to the class you would like to remove. It will ask you to confirm that you want to unregister. REMEMBER: Classes are first come first serve. If the session is full, you may not be able to re-register for this class. Once you have confirmed you want to unregister, you will be able to register for the new class. Register for the new class you want by following the instructions in the how-to-guide.

Can I reserve a spot for someone else? No. They must register themselves with their account.

How many classes can I register for? You will be limited to one class per time slot. (That’s 11 official classes, plus all the Rent-A-Human and after hours shoots you can handle!)

There are too many classes. How will I attend them all? Welcome to ShutterFest, ladies and gentlemen. You will never, let me repeat, NEVER attend every class, every shooting exercise, every outdoor class, and that is the point. We created ShutterFest to be overwhelming. We want there to be TOO much good information and too much to do. Some advice: Where are you weak? What are the 3 or 4 things you want to walk away with from ShutterFest? Find those courses and go at it full power!

What if the class I want is completely booked? We don’t guarantee any single class, but don’t fret. ShutterFest is not about any single class. You have access to Photo Walks, the Creator Lab, The Canon Experience, Nanlite Boudoir Sets, Rent-a-Human, and tons of classes and shoots on the trade show floor. We promise, you will not be disappointed. Pivot, try something different, and enjoy the conference. It’s unlike anything you have ever been to.

AGAIN, we do not guarantee access to any single class. Add yourself to the waitlist or sign up for another class. People drop in and out of classes all the time, so you never know if a spot will open. 

If I don’t like the class I’m in, or am not registered for a class, can I just go to any class? If there is open capacity in the class, yes. You will need to check in with the speaker or speaker assistant so they can mark you present. Be respectful of your fellow attendees. Nobody likes the person that jumps in front of everyone in line in a class he didn’t even register for, so don’t be that person. 🙂 

Will I get a chance to shoot in a hands-on class? Hands-on classes are always crowded, but we do take measures to make sure that the 50-person limit STAYS at 50 people by taking attendance via the ShutterFest App. Speakers are also encouraged to split attendees into smaller groups to give everyone a chance to shoot. Don’t want to be in a crowded class? Perfect! Grab a small group of people and a model and start your own hands-on shoot with Rent-A-Human.

What’s the difference between lecture, live demonstration, and hands-on classes?

  • Lecture: These are non-shooting courses. Typically classroom based, bring your laptop and notepad and focus on learning!
  • Hands-On: These are shooting courses. You will be shooting and working. Bring your camera, gear, or whatever you need for the course and to create images. Expect to have some level of shooting.
  • Live Demonstration: These are instructor-led courses where you will see a live demonstration of what the instructor is teaching. You can still bring your cameras to these courses and you can photograph, but the goal of the course is NOT for you to shoot or to ensure you get a shot. The goal is for you to see how and why the instructor does what he/she does in order to get the final result.

Is there an additional fee for classes? Nope! Unlike other conferences, there are no additional or hidden fees. Don’t see a course you like, or the one you want is completely booked? Not a problem, check out the Rent-A-Human program or practice your lighting at the Creator Lab, Boudoir Bays, or other Shooting Bays.

Can I teach my own class? No. This is not allowed per event rules. If you would like to be an instructor, apply to teach and your time will come. As an attendee at the event, attend the courses and the program we have assembled for you. We have spent a lot of time and energy to put together an amazing program for you with some of the best speakers and educators out there. Enjoy the conference. Now, that’s not to say you can’t help one another. Of course you can, that’s the culture of ShutterFest. However, it sends the wrong message to attendees if random people decide they want to be instructors. The hotel and its property is 100% paid for by ShutterFest, please respect that.

What if I want to shoot the entire conference? Perfect! You have come to the right conference. Check out the Rent-A-Human program. You can shoot with models on your own or in a group. We have ~300 models for you to work with for FREE.

Will we get slides from the classes? Yes, IF you receive the goodie bag (see below), you will receive ALL of the slides that have been turned in to us by speakers.

Event Check-in/Registration

Registration will be in the Grand Hall of Union Station and you will need your photo ID to check in and get your badge.

What time will registration be open?

Monday: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

What do I need for registration? Your driver’s license or photo ID. You will not be able to check in without it. Not even if your dog ate it.

Is there a deadline to get a badge with my name on it? Yes, because the badges are printed far in advance by Acrylic Press. If you purchase your ticket after March 4th, you will not get a badge with your name on it. We will have “random name badges” for you. Don’t worry, sometimes the fake names we come up with are even better than having your real name. 🙂 Plus, it’s a great conversation starter!

Do I need to have anything printed? Nope! Just your driver’s license or photo ID. We have a list of names at the registration desk.

Can I pick up my friends/spouses/other badge? No. They will have to come and show their ID to pick up their badge.

I don’t have a ticket. Can I just show up? We love all photographers, but for this event, you need a ticket! The event always sells out. There is no guarantee you will be able to purchase a ticket at the door, but if there is space left, you can. The price for a general admission ticket will be $399. You snooze, you lose. Don’t wait. Buy your ticket now –

Can I transfer my ticket or get a refund? No. This has been outlined dozens of times and it’s even listed on the site before you order your tickets. There are a multitude of reasons why we have this policy. Here is the main reason – the event is THE most inexpensive educational event on the PLANET bar-none. The event is also limited in size – once it sells out – it’s sold out! We are offering you hands-on shooting, portfolio building, top level educators – would cost $1k at other events. You know what you paid for your ticket. Well, in the beginning, people were buying 5 tickets at a time and selling them on eBay for $500 and that goes against the event and why we created it. Hence, no transfers or refunds. This ensures that no one can scam the system and we keep your ticket price affordable. So death, charities, mission trips, terminal illness, can’t afford to come, and the dozens of requests or reasons for a transfer or refund, our sincerest apologies, but this is a policy that has no wiggle room. We hope you understand the in-depth explanation we have provided.

T-Shirts & Swag

How do I get a t-shirt? We’ve teamed up with PhotoFlashDrive to bring you ShutterFest branded t-shirts, hats, hoodies, glasswear, water bottles, tote bags, and of course, flash drives! ShutterFest Swag will be available for pre-purchase as well as at the show. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE!

I preordered a t-shirt. How do I pick it up? You can pick up pre-ordered items during trade show hours at the Photo Flash Drive booth. (booths 84-85, by the glass wall between Midway East and Midway West)

How do I get a t-shirt at the event? How much are they? T-Shirts and ShutterFest Swag will be available for pre-order and purchase at the event. Priced as marked. 

I can’t attend the event, but I still want some swag! Can you ship it to me? YES! Put your shipping address in the order notes for shipping.

Goodie Bag

As you are all aware, ShutterFest is EXTREMELY affordable compared to other conferences of this size. We can do this because of the negotiated terms with the host hotel. As a thank you for supporting the event and staying in our room block at the host hotels, everyone staying in our room block at Union Station or the Hilton Ballpark will get access to the goodie bag.

To receive access to the goodie bag you must be:

  • An attendee at ShutterFest. Don’t expect to get goodie bags for your husband, friend or dog whose name is on the room but not attending ShutterFest. Stop gaming the system. 🙂
  • Booked under the SF25 ROOM BLOCK (all 4 nights) and have your name on the hotel room by April 19th, 2025 @ 11:59 PM CST. NO EXCEPTIONS. Adding names to reservations after April 19th is allowed, they just won’t get access to the digital goodie bag.

How do I add my name to a room reservation at the host hotel? The only person that can add names to a room reservation is the person that made the reservation. For example: If John made the reservation, John can add Kim, Cindy, and Donnie. Donnie cannot add himself to John’s reservation – only John could do that.

So, if you want to be added to a room reservation to get a goodie bag, you will simply need to have the person who booked the room add your name to the reservation. This can be done 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Add all additional guest names to the reservation at the time of booking (this can be done both online or if you’re making a reservation over the phone).
  2. If booking is complete and you wish to add guest names later, the person whose name is on the original reservation can call the hotel to add additional guest names. Tip: ALWAYS make sure you receive the confirmation email so you have proof.

There’s no need to mention goodie bags when you call, just make sure your room is booked inside the ShutterFest room block and you have any additional guests confirmed on your room.

Why do I have to stay at the host hotels to get a goodie bag? Well, quite simply and transparently, we get a major discount for the hotel meeting spaces if our attendees stay at the host hotel. These savings are passed on to you in the form of an incredibly LOW registration fee. There is no other conference loaded with this much education for this price. Anywhere!

So, the goodie bag is an incentive and reward for those who stay at the host hotel and help support the event. If not, we would have to raise prices for the event and no one wants that.

How do I get the goodie bag? There will be a station at registration where you can go to pick up your goodie bag. 

***WARNING*** Trying to game the system will only serve to frustrate the event and the spirit of ShutterFest. The bags are there to entice you to stay at the host hotel to keep ticket prices low for everyone. Gaming this by adding people to your room that are not staying at the hotel, etc will lead to bags being forfeited for the entire room if caught. If you have a problem with this please message Sal directly – there will be no exceptions to this policy.

Will I receive a goodie bag if I stay at the host hotel for one night then switch hotels? No. Stop gaming the system. You have to be part of the ShutterFest room block (all 4 nights) and room rate for ShutterFest. This is a reward for staying at the host hotel – which is giving the event an EXTREMELY reasonable rate in return for the hotel rooms being booked. And guess what? This keeps your ticket price low.

What’s in the Goodie Bag? Savings & specials from our vendors, and speaker slides from the speakers who turn them in to us!


What gear should I bring? Bring whatever you want to shoot with (and are willing to schlep around the event) — camera bodies, lenses, flashes, tripods, etc. It’s a shooting conference. You’re a photographer. Do the math. 

Is there a place to store my gear at Union Station? Nope, unless you’ve got a friend that has a room. So pack light, or invest in a rolling cart!

Will there be gear to rent at the event? Yes. Visit the Creator Lab to rent gear!

Will Canon CPS be back? Yes! They will be in The Canon Experience area.

Can I buy gear at the show? Yes. The Pixel Connection will be selling camera gear.


Food Trucks: We will have some of the best food trucks in St. Louis again this year for meals. On April 22nd-25th, we will have food trucks on site for lunch and dinner. We know. It’s pretty bad-ass. Conference food already sucks, so we wanted to do something that was ShutterFest-worthy. And no, we are not paying for your lunch.

What kind of food trucks will be there? 

Coffee, Mimosas & Bloody Mary Stations: We will have coffee stations where you can purchase that sweet, sweet caffeine each morning from 7AM – 11AM (locations around the trade show floor TBD). And, for you ShutterFesters who take the “Party” in “Shoot. Learn. Party.” seriously, we will also have mimosas and bloody marys available to purchase from 7AM – 11AM in the Bar at Midway Courtyard.

Other Restaurants in & Around Union Station: Click here for the most up to date list of food options at Union Station. Landry’s is located outside near the lake. The Soda Fountain restaurant is located outside Union Station (where the Hard Rock used to be). The Train Shed is located outside the aquarium. The 1894 Cafe is located on the second floor of Union Station by the Hall of Mirrors. Station Grille is located right behind the Grand Hall on the second floor of Union Station. Starbucks is located in the Grand Hall by the gym.


SF+ is an entire day dedicated to advanced business, marketing, lighting & editing classes, held the day after the general conference. Classes will cover more advanced material than the classes on the first three days, so expect a deep dive!

SF+ will take place on April 25th from 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Food Trucks will be there for the lunch break, which lasts 1 hour.

There will be a FREE shuttle running from Hilton BallPark to Union Station from 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM and 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM.


Click here to register for SF+ or to see more info on speakers and topics.

Do I have to register for SF+ classes in the app? Nope! On the day of SF+, you will choose your destiny and choose one of the two classes going on during each class time. You are free to switch from class to class as well.


Tuesday Night: ShutterFest Rave | 8:00 PM – Midnight | Grand Hall of Union Station

IMPORTANT: Please remember you are in a public space – party on, but keep your rave attire PG-13. No nudity (or…. party favors…) allowed. 

Wednesday Night: Bada Bing UNO Night | 8:00 PM – Midnight | Regency Ballroom C

Thursday Night: Closing Party | 7:00 PM – Midnight | Grand Hall of Union Station

Do I HAVE to dress up for the party? No, absolutely not! Come as you are and enjoy the fun.

WTF is Bada-Bing UNO? It’s UNO, (yes, the card game) Cincotta-Style. We use Sal’s house rules and play a giant UNO tournament. The WINNERS will receive some badass prizes! Team Cincotta will be there to answer any rule questions and help you out. WATCH THIS VIDEO TO CHECK OUT THE RULES.

Do I have to sign up for UNO? Yes, signups will be in the app like regular classes. If you don’t get a spot, don’t fret! You are welcome to hang out with us, enjoy a credit card bar, talk some trash, (it’s a very important part of the game) and grab a seat at the table if someone no-shows or bows out.

Is there a theme for the Thursday Night party? Nope, come as you are and have fun! Just don’t fall asleep, or you may get #slumberfest-ed.

Top Talent Competition

Collaborate. Shoot. Enter for a chance to win cash & prizes! 

The Top Talent Competition is BACK. Every image you send to models through the ShutterFest Model Gallery earns you a chance to win. More info coming soon. Click here to see last year’s winner.

Rent-A-Human (aka RAH)

Aptly named by our comedian from ShutterFest 2014, Pat McGann, this is now the name of our model program.

What is Rent-A-Human? This is our FREE modeling and portfolio building program at the event. Since ShutterFest is a hands-on shooting conference, we realize the need for lots and lots of models. Work hands-on and practice what you’ve learned in class with a model across many genres: High School Seniors, families, babies, children, fashion, boudoir, weddings, general portraits, fitness, same-sex and more.

Do I have to pay to rent a model? No. The Rent-A-Human program is completely free.

Do I have to have my own model release form? Model releases have been signed by all models prior to the event, and you are completely covered for official ShutterFest classes, Photo Walks, and Rent-A-Human sessions. For after-hours shoots, you WILL need to obtain your own release.

When can I rent a model? 

Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EXPRESS ONLY), 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (EXPRESS ONLY), 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EXPRESS ONLY), 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (EXPRESS ONLY), 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Thursday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EXPRESS ONLY), 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (EXPRESS ONLY)

Can I plan my own after hours shoots? Shooting after hours is not only encouraged, it’s expected. ShutterFest is something that goes on all day and into the late hours of the night. After hours shoots can be done:

Monday: anytime, as long as it doesn’t conflict with the mandatory model meeting from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.

Tuesday: before 10:00 AM OR after 5:00 PM. (NOTE: classes take priority, models may be scheduled for a class after 5)

Wednesday: before 10:00 AM OR after 5:00 PM. (NOTE: classes take priority, models may be scheduled for a class after 5)

Thursday: before 10:00 AM OR after 5:00 PM.

How does Rent-A-Human work? There are two ways to use Rent-A-Human: Classic and Express. 

For Rent-A-Human Classic, you will form a group of 2-5 photographers, fill out your request form, get your model, and work with them for 1 hour anywhere in/around Union Station.

For Rent-A-Human Express, you do NOT need to form a group! Simply fill out your request form, get your model, and work with them for 30 MINUTES (Hence, Express) in the Creator Lab, Nanlite Boudoir Sets (if available), The Canon Experience, or the East Patio area around the Rent-A-Human station.

How long do I have to shoot with my Rent-A-Human model? For Rent-A-Human Classic, you will have 1 hour to work with the model. For Rent-A-Human Express, you will have 30 minutes to work with the model.

We will be monitoring check out times and return times, and if you are late returning the models, you will no longer be allowed access to the Rent-a-Human program for the remainder of the event. Please note – this applies to your entire team. You are a team – you win together, you lose together.

How many models are there? We will have ~300 models at this year’s event

Hair & Makeup: Refine Beauty will be curating a team of artists from their salon as well as a team of students from local cosmetology schools to provide top-notch hair and makeup for models!

Can I bring in my own hair & make up artist? If you would like to bring your own hair and makeup artists, they will not be able to set up inside Union Station. 

What kind of wardrobe is available through Rent-A-Human? We will have over 60 wedding and fashion gowns – many from Team Cincotta’s own wardrobe – that the models will be able to utilize. Models are also instructed to bring other outfits for their shoots. If you are looking for a stylized shoot, feel free to bring an outfit or two of your own. 

Can I pick the model or category I want to shoot? You can specify two category choices on your Model Request form – we will do our best to supply you with your first request, but we cannot guarantee that model type will be available. Models are based on availability, time of day, etc. Again, you are not guaranteed any specific model or genre. We will do our best. Models CAN NOT be selected by name. If you want to set up a shoot with a specific model, you will need to coordinate directly with that model OUTSIDE OF RAH HOURS.

Can I bring my own wardrobe for a Rent-A-Human model? Yes! If you would like to bring an outfit or other clothing accessories for the models, you are more than welcome to do that. Don’t forget, we have wedding dresses available on site for bridal and the male models have been instructed to bring suits. 

Where can I go to shoot? For Classic Rent-A-Human, you may shoot anywhere in or around Union Station EXCEPT the following locations:

  1. The Aquarium 
  2. All public restaurants
  3. Mirror Maze
  4. ON the ferris wheel (you can shoot in front of it, but not on it)
  5. IN hotel rooms (utilize the Nanlite Boudoir Sets instead!)
  6. ON the trains without express hotel permission. You may shoot in the area around the trains. If you want to arrange something directly with Union Station to be on trains after hours, you are allowed to do that.

Wherever you decide to go, be mindful of your time for Rent-A-Human! Wandering too far will eat into your shooting time.

Sharing Images with Models/Model Gallery

This is where we have to show our ShutterFest love. Models are here for free. In return, you are expected to share your images with them for their portfolios. They are working to build their portfolio and they need your help for that to happen. Please share your images!

We have created a Model Directory to enable you to find models you worked with and share images directly with them more easily. You can browse the model directory NOW at the event starts, there will be a button under each model’s name that you can use to send the model their images! Images you send will also become part of our post-event gallery (and eligible for the Top Talent Competition!) automatically. 

Sizing your Images: Resolution for the image should be roughly 1500 pixels on the long edge @ 144 pixels. This is perfect for the web. If you use Lightroom for the export, this is easy.

Naming your Images: We recommend the following naming convention: ModelName_StudioName_SF25_Number.jpg


Beginner: Just starting out or relatively new to a given subject matter. Basics will be covered and the course will move at a slower pace. The instructor will spend a little more time trying to explain concepts to ensure everyone is following. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 1-3 on the given topic.

Intermediate: Has a grasp of some basic concepts. This course level will move at a faster pace and assume you have basic knowledge covered on the given subject matter. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 4-6 on the given topic.

Advanced: You have working knowledge of the given subject matter, but are looking for more fine-tuning and some advanced topics to take your work to that next level. DO NOT expect instructors to explain basic concepts in this course. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 7-10 on the given topic.

Class Types


These are shooting courses. You will be shooting and working. Bring your camera, gear, or whatever you need for the course and to create create images. Expect to have some level of shooting.

Live Demonstration

These are instructor-led courses where you will see a live demonstration of what the instructor is teaching. You can still bring your camera to these courses and you can photograph, but the goal of the course is NOT for you to shoot or to ensure you get a shot. The goal is for you to see how and why the instructor does what he/she does in order to get the final result.


These are non-shooting courses. Typically classroom-based, bring your laptop and notepad and focus on learning!