Speaker Submission

Thank you for your interest in being a speaker for ShutterFest! We love business topics, we love lighting and posing topics. The truth is, we LOVE UNIQUE AND HANDS-ON TOPICS of all kinds. 


  • Submit UNIQUE CLASSES: We’re searching for some awesome class topics that will spark creative thinking for our attendees! We want your descriptions to be as unique and engaging as your best shots. Submit detailed ideas for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced classes that will push the boundaries of what a photography class can be. This event is all about inspiring attendees to learn new skills and take their photography to the next level.
  • Categorize your courses correctly. This has a HUGE impact on class placement, expectations and attendee ratings. If students will be shooting, select hands-on. If you are demonstrating concepts with a model, choose live demonstration. If you will have slides or need access to a traditional classroom, select lecture.
  • Submit accurate and thorough descriptions. EVERY year, some of the most common negative feedback we hear is: “This class didn’t match up with what the description said it would.” Please put thought and effort into what you’ll be teaching, what topics you can realistically cover in 1.5 hours, what, if anything, students should bring to your class, and WHO should take this class – is it for beginners? Intermediate learners? Advanced students? Are there things that people should know or be familiar with before taking the class? 
  • Consider teaching intermediate or advanced only classes. This is requested every year!
  • First-time speaker program: with the idea of “promoting from within,” this year a group of first-time speakers will be accepted with one topic ONLY as part of a trial program to help give new speakers a foot in the door and a platform. First-time speakers will not be paid. 
  • Veteran speakers are required to teach three classes, as usual.
  • JUST BECAUSE YOU APPLY DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED. We only have 50 total slots for speakers this year. Every year, we receive more than 150 applications. This means that even though you might be a good speaker, great person, etc. you might get rejected. This doesn’t mean there was anything wrong with your application or you as a person, it just means we had a lot of options and you were not selected this time. We encourage you to try again in the future.

Good luck. We look forward to hearing all your ideas for an incredible ShutterFest.

Sal Cincotta

2025 Submissions are now closed.
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Speaker Waiting List

Submit your speaker application

SF Speaker Submissions
ex: Marketing, Weddings, Social Media, etc.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Is this your first time speaking at ShutterFest? *
Have you spoken at another conference? *
First-Time Speakers

Topic 1

Course 1 Skill Level *
Course 1 Type *

Hands-on Class

In hands-on classes, students need to actually be shooting. You will receive 5-7 models (or couples, if applicable) After a short educational demonstration with the entire class, you are expected to break attendees into smaller groups so each attendee has a chance to shoot with the models. Please plan gear appropriately.

Live Demonstration Class

In live demonstration classes, students are watching you shoot and/or demonstrate. You will receive 1 model (or set of models for couples, groups, or families).

Lecture Class

In lecture classes, students are listening to you speak about your subject matter. No models will be provided by ShutterFest or the Rent-a-Human program. You will be required to provide a presentation, which will be included on our flash drive.

Class descriptions submitted without FULLY thought out expectations for attendees will be rejected.

Topic 2

Course 2 Skill Level *
Course 2 Type *

Hands-on Class

In hands-on classes, students need to actually be shooting. You will receive 5-7 models (or couples, if applicable) After a short educational demonstration with the entire class, you are expected to break attendees into smaller groups so each attendee has a chance to shoot with the models. Please plan gear appropriately.

Live Demonstration Class

In live demonstration classes, students are watching you shoot and/or demonstrate. You will receive 1 model (or set of models for couples, groups, or families).

Lecture Class

In lecture classes, students are listening to you speak about your subject matter. No models will be provided by ShutterFest or the Rent-a-Human program. You will be required to provide a presentation, which will be included on our flash drive.

Class descriptions submitted without FULLY thought out expectations for attendees will be rejected.

Topic 3

Course 3 Skill Level *
Course 3 Type *

Hands-on Class

In hands-on classes, students need to actually be shooting. You will receive 5-7 models (or couples, if applicable) After a short educational demonstration with the entire class, you are expected to break attendees into smaller groups so each attendee has a chance to shoot with the models. Please plan gear appropriately.

Live Demonstration Class

In live demonstration classes, students are watching you shoot and/or demonstrate. You will receive 1 model (or set of models for couples, groups, or families).

Lecture Class

In lecture classes, students are listening to you speak about your subject matter. No models will be provided by ShutterFest or the Rent-a-Human program. You will be required to provide a presentation, which will be included on our flash drive.

Class descriptions submitted without FULLY thought out expectations for attendees will be rejected.


Beginner: Just starting out or relatively new to a given subject matter. Basics will be covered and the course will move at a slower pace. The instructor will spend a little more time trying to explain concepts to ensure everyone is following. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 1-3 on the given topic.

Intermediate: Has a grasp of some basic concepts. This course level will move at a faster pace and assume you have basic knowledge covered on the given subject matter. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 4-6 on the given topic.

Advanced: You have working knowledge of the given subject matter, but are looking for more fine-tuning and some advanced topics to take your work to that next level. DO NOT expect instructors to explain basic concepts in this course. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 7-10 on the given topic.

Class Types


These are shooting courses. You will be shooting and working. Bring your camera, gear, or whatever you need for the course and to create create images. Expect to have some level of shooting.

Live Demonstration

These are instructor-led courses where you will see a live demonstration of what the instructor is teaching. You can still bring your camera to these courses and you can photograph, but the goal of the course is NOT for you to shoot or to ensure you get a shot. The goal is for you to see how and why the instructor does what he/she does in order to get the final result.


These are non-shooting courses. Typically classroom-based, bring your laptop and notepad and focus on learning!