
Union Station provides the perfect backdrop for hands-on learning and spacious classrooms for lecture and live demo classes.
With over 100 classes, there’s something here for everyone!

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SF25 Class Lineup

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Specialty: Marketing, Seniors, Weddings, Lighting

How to Create Your Vision – Seeing/Shooting/Editing for Your Vision

Speaker: CURTISS BRYANT (Website) (Social Media)

Live Demonstration   


We all have a vision of what we want our images to look like, but how do we get there? How do we make our vision a reality?
In this class, Curtiss will walk you through his creative process. He will show you a scene, talk about what he sees as the final result and walk you through the lighting, posing, shooting to get that image. Then he will show you the magic to bring it all together in post production. This is a complete from beginning to end class. Learn to see a scene for its possibilities. Learn to light the scene/subjects to match your vision. Learn how to pose your clients… and learn how to finish it all in post production. After this class, you will have the ability to turn your visions into reality and create amazing images for your clients!

Specialty: Marketing, Seniors, Weddings, Lighting

Its Hard to be Unknown when Everyone Notices – Photography Business Marketing

Speaker: CURTISS BRYANT (Website) (Social Media)



Do you feel you are a great photographer, but struggle with finding clients? A successful photography business needs more than just amazing images. We need to be amazing at business. Marketing is generally a weakness of most photographers. In this class, we will address that problem and help photographers become better at business and marketing.
Curtiss has a degree in marketing and will teach you ways to better your marketing for your business. The goal is to be noticed in your community and Curtiss will provide you tips and tricks to do that for your business. We dive into everything that helps create awareness for your business. Curtiss will answer your questions and help create ideas to help your business. Consider this class marketing 101 for your photography business. You will walk away with things you can start doing today to build your business for tomorrow.

Specialty: Marketing, Seniors, Weddings, Lighting

Make $10k a day shooting schools/volume

Speaker: CURTISS BRYANT (Website) (Social Media)



Want to make $10k a day? Volume photography is one way to make additional revenues for your studio and is often overlooked for more “”glamourous”” type of photography genres, but volume photography can be very lucrative if you know how to do it. The problem with most volume classes is that they mostly talk about the business side of volume work, but dont dive into HOW to do it. In this class, Curtiss will walk you through the entire process of a volume shoot… from the business side to the shooting and organization. Curtiss will walk through the entire process, so you can leave the class knowing exactly how to shoot volume photography in an efficient manner. This will apply for schools, sports and other volume type photography jobs.
This class leaves no stone unturned. You will learn about different volume software options to help keep you organized. You will learn about equipment and lighting options. You will learn about software that makes retouching a breeze. The goal of volume photography is to be as efficient as possible to maximize your revenues and make your clients happy with amazing turn around times and accuracy.

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There's still time to get

Early Bird Tickets

April 22-25 2024 | St. Louis MO.


Beginner: Just starting out or relatively new to a given subject matter. Basics will be covered and the course will move at a slower pace. The instructor will spend a little more time trying to explain concepts to ensure everyone is following. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 1-3 on the given topic.

Intermediate: Has a grasp of some basic concepts. This course level will move at a faster pace and assume you have basic knowledge covered on the given subject matter. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 4-6 on the given topic.

Advanced: You have working knowledge of the given subject matter, but are looking for more fine-tuning and some advanced topics to take your work to that next level. DO NOT expect instructors to explain basic concepts in this course. On a scale of 1-10 consider this level a 7-10 on the given topic.

Class Types


These are shooting courses. You will be shooting and working. Bring your camera, gear, or whatever you need for the course and to create create images. Expect to have some level of shooting.

Live Demonstration

These are instructor-led courses where you will see a live demonstration of what the instructor is teaching. You can still bring your camera to these courses and you can photograph, but the goal of the course is NOT for you to shoot or to ensure you get a shot. The goal is for you to see how and why the instructor does what he/she does in order to get the final result.


These are non-shooting courses. Typically classroom-based, bring your laptop and notepad and focus on learning!