
Union Station provides the perfect backdrop for hands-on learning and spacious classrooms for lecture and live demo classes.
With over 100 classes, there’s something here for everyone!

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SF25 Class Lineup

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Specialty: Kids, lenses, maternity, dance, macro

Absolutely Tube-riffic

Speaker: Heather Larkin (Website) (Social Media)



Tube lights and panels have gotten so much better over the last few years.. Enough that you can use them as a portable main light? Absolutely. Learn how to set up and light with Nanlite Pavotubes in multiple sizes to create a key studio look, then we’ll change it up and work with the tubes as rim and side lighting and change colors to mimic gels. One light, so many results.

Specialty: Kids, lenses, maternity, dance, macro

Chaos theory brainstorming

Speaker: Heather Larkin (Website) (Social Media)

Live Demonstration   

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced   

Do you feel like you’re just not creative enough to plan a great styled shoot? Do you have a dream shoot but you struggle to bring it to life? Or maybe you feel like you’re too creative and you have trouble not throwing everything into the photo? Harness your ADHD chaos brain and your passions for good. In this class you’ll learn to:
-come up with an easy central theme
-expand on your ideas
-throw out what doesn’t work
-use that plan to build your sets and pick your gear

Specialty: Kids, lenses, maternity, dance, macro

Don’t Pose Your Kids

Speaker: Heather Larkin (Website) (Social Media)


Beginner, Intermediate   

Interacting with kids is tough, especially as an adult. Learn how stupid games and a thigh workout will help get you the best kids pictures ever. I was a pre-k teacher before my 18 years in business as a children’s photographer and I can tell you all about:
– Which lenses to pick for families and kids.
– Stupid games to play for real laughs and authentic expressions.
– Reverse phycology will win you points too
– Treating kids like real people, no baby talk here!
– You don’t have to resort to bribes.

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